Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Letter to Melo thinkers

I absolutely love satellite radio and if you are one who likes to hear ‘it’ from the horse's mouth and get it as unbiased and diverse as now possible….get into satellite---you can thank me later.
Listening to Melo (Carmelo Anthony of the Denver nuggets, that is) earlier on Hip Hop 40 (one of the Sirius satellite channels), I enjoyed his replies and comments, one particular conversation stood out to me amongst the others. Let me first say that I have had the pleasure to be in the company of Melo before, while in the VIP section of a LA club years ago now. That night that place was just pure pleasure for all of us who had found our own ways to gain our statures and success that led us all there, with our “teams”, to enjoy the views and being viewed. Base on the impression then and now and just solid word from those shared in common, I see him to be a stand up gentleMAN…..who found his own spirit early enough to see him through his path. His composure, play and leadership thus far this season (his time in the lime-light) has only gone to prove my insights of him correct….Good for him. That being said I had one point of contention that after this I believe he also would say…..”yeah that’s kind of what I meant”…
The topic was Melo cleaning up his image (cutting off his corn-rolls more specifically) in order to operate in the corporate (big money and power) world; his response was sure he did cut off his corn-rolls for that reason and sure its truly necessary……in other words what I got from this was, indeed if you’re going to play THIS GAME (money, power and respect), you have to look a certain way……hmmmm hmmmm hmmmmmmmm…..See right now everyone, I believe hand picked by God to be in my life, who knows me, knows I’m about to go ooooffffff……but understand I go off at the concept not the voice that said it.
Let me explain something first to prefix the argument I’m about to possess……I run a good enough size conclumerate (the word I use to describe a few companies operating on their own (not corporized-put under the umbrella of 1 parent company (word patent) but yet all owned by me)…..On average my dealings net me hundreds of dollars for every hour I’m awake; now pay attention to what I said….I didn’t say for every working hour, I said for every hour I’m awake, that means doing whatever I’m doing in a day…..driving, eating, working out, working, laughing, fucking, reading…..whatever. But understand, that’s because I own mine….that means my money works for me more than I have to…..also that is important to understand the opinions I know to possess. And what’s said by the masses and reiterated by Melo does apply for all those who just don’t have IT and you know what IT is, if you don’t have IT naturally, there’s no shame in that, but there is something wrong if you’re not on your journey to get IT…..Back to my point, I make a lot of money and I garnish much power….my hair has dawned corn-rolls for damn near 8 years…..shit that’s a long while, I never counted till now…..shit now I see why my little sister wants me to cut it off…anyway I digress. Inspite of my hair style I attained and maintained my position and power, because I knew how and to be a MAN regardless of what outsiders saw in my hair (and skin color for that matter). I had this instilled in me early by both the virtue of having my father (a MAN) ever present, not only for me to imitate and emulate, but also there to straighten my thoughts and actions when it didn’t match the path followed to become a MAN. Now I know this is a case that becomes all to rear in our inner city population but the point is to see that the opportunity to become that Man inspite of hair is still possible but there are pre-requisites. The reason it is important to always acknowledge ALL possibilities is it teaches all of us coming up that there is a certain way to live, which will attain a certain world, but if we as individuals (and a community on a larger scale) wishes to have that stronger life, we have to work for it, and more importantly sacrifice ourselves to and for it……Let me break it this way: if we want to leave in a world where acceptance is given to a boy who grows up to have dark black skin, to be the number 1 scoring basketball player, to be 1 of the most well paid athletes, to be 1 of the biggest givers back to society with time and money, to be a well educated business man and yet and still have corn-rolls, then we fathers most build that boy into a Man and show the world that it is possible. It is human nature to believe only whats been seen….the public consensus is corn-rolls are negative because that’s the majority of whats been seen. It is still our duty as strong soulful and spiritual characters to exemplify that something that is indigenous to us, is not to be held in a bad light and in form prevent our maturity into MANhood. This is what ultimately counts the most to successfully exist in corporate America and many other genres….Being a solid Man (or Woman).
That’s what Melo should have said (maybe downsized a tad to fit tv). If maturity into Manhood translated to cutting off his braids for him then so be it. What is certain, is that at a point in life, if you’re going to gain ultimate respect and success, in any field, for a boy he must become a Man. This translates at many different ages and many different forms, but there is always a manifestation of this transistion, either outwardly physical or an internal change that takes on a physical manifestation…..for the best of us there is also a certain time frame that this transistion should occur. Of course the sooner the better, and the later we worry. For me it was my blessing to undergo this transistion into manhood at an early stage, and therefore I have spent many years motivating the world around me and maneuvering the world around me as a Man. Therefore at this stage of my primetime life I and those around me feel completely comfortable and confident with my hair expressions (corn rolls at this point and the foreseeable future, well maybe not that far ahead), because they know it bares no weight on the Man I know to be.
All that being said, for you the one eager to sport the daring hair style, there are 2 big *s to consider
1…We all don’t rock what we rock for the right (or same) reasons. I began wearing my braids as an artistic aesthetic expression that spoke to me. The same way I have been intrigued and therefore purchased a Van Gogh or my original signed publication of Langston hughes’ collection of poetry, so too did corn-rolls capture my imagination and therefore I wear it, and apparently nothing has pushed me stronger to a different direction since. There are many who began wearing and wear braids as an expression of defiance; a Man would not have that attitude towards the environment he dwells, he would take more charge of his society and his ability to make his own niche….if that is what the “braids” represented for the boy then most likely they disappear as a Man.
2…There is a stereotype that goes along with braids, its an addition to the regular amount of stereotype that goes along with being a black man, which is already an addition to the stereotype of being black period. Notice the steps up the ladder of stereotype one takes on by wearing braids. Notice the steps because with every step there is more weight added. I couldn’t intentionally fight (verbally) with every misconception of me and my life (at this point) even if I wanted to (and I don’t), but I can do and what I do do is realized that I am watched and heard (maybe more than the average, but others are also to whatever the extent), so I let that be my proof. I let what I say and the way I say it be my proof; I let what I do, how I do it and why I do it, prove whether the stereotypes they carry in their eyes are justified by Me, this Man…..not the other 50 that might have lived up to those eyes before. The point is that, if your strength isn’t enough for the weights that come with taking so many steps up the ladder, then have no shame and cut the “braids”, because the positive impact you will be having won’t be worth the battle for you. The positive impact I relish is, realizing that if I meet enough people or if enough (Black) people, of like mindedness as mine exist, then eventually 1 persons’ thoughts are changed and corrected….and that 1 spreads to others….I have had that impact on my community, but it’s a greater time before a state is effected, longer for a country, and countless for the world. You must decide how long you can wait or better yet how much you can take.
I have endured, survived and succeeded through much and many years….after such I emerged as a Man who wears “braids”, at a higher “level” than even Drake.

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Word 4 New Idea- OBAMITES

Alright imma talk to my people on this one…..Now when I speak of “my people”, I’m not referring to any one color, culture or creed, but the philosophies that unite US. Really I shouldn’t say “my people”, I should say my OBAMITES, that cuts right to the point. Now I say that “Obamites”, looking at the idea the name represents and not to anyone person in particular, even the President, whom I admire.
Okay lets get to the point, WE NEED TO WAKE THE FUCK UP...for any shy newcomers get used to it….focus on the message. Now notice I said WE, cause I was right there where you are now, when I noticed what was going on….Now I’m gonna get you to where I am:
WE thought the war was getting Obama elected…not at all…that was definitely a battle though. Congratulations by the way….BUT IT AINT OVER YA’LL, WE’RE JUST GETTING STARTED AND INTO THE WAR…..CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!
We got real relaxed as if the whole time we were voting, we were voting for hIM because of hIS color or hIS charisma or hIS religion….NO it was much deeper than that, it was that he seemed to voice and understand some of the deepest sentiments and philosophies that we hold in US and wish others could learn and emulate. We understand that there is much sorrow and pain in the world, hard times and unfair times…..but we also still understand that we should still move towards oneness and prosperity…..they should both happen but we should do it together, there should be the balance of both in a community. Now every nation has a starting point and although some nations have some points of life a bit better than we USA do, there is no one nation that has a higher average than our USA….For us to be as young as we are compared to the oldies like France, Spain, China….we’re not doing too bad….but don’t start feeling your American bravado too soon, because we are supposed to be this good, don’t forget we and our civilization are a by-product of great minds that generated and evolved from those who were banished or fled from Europe. Put it this way the other nations started at ground zero, we started at the 18th floor….we should be on the 32nd when the others are still between the 25th and 28th. We also keep this legacy alive and well by opening up our citizenship to so many cultures and minds, our diversity in culture, skin color, environment and therefore thought is why our greatness is sustained.
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH LIVING UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL….as a young boy, a bit older than where my sun son is now, I had a teacher who on my report card full of A’s, would write at the bottom left corner but big enough to seen by me, “not yet reaching his potential”….I would scratch my head and search inside it for how in the world I’m supposed to outdo all AAAAAAAA’s… took many years and I finally put it to rest, or at least I thought I did…till about a few years ago my heart felt something and in meditation I realized I had reached the point of ‘standing on the trail of my potential’….Now don’t start asking what event it was that led to my eye opening experience; I’m not answering that. The point is this, it should and it does feel good to be on the verge of your potential let alone achieving it.
So yes we got him elected, yeaaaaa…we’ve earned the Right to begin the trail of our potential as a nation….FOCUS NOW!!! THE JOB IS JUST GETTING STARTED… Now we got to put those ideas and philosophies into practice….the practice is known by a different ‘P’ word…POLICY. We need to back the actions of the man we’ve decided to lead the march for the policies we want to enact. We don’t decide who’s gonna be the captain of our football team and then sit on the bench when he runs onto the field….that would be the expectations of a dictator-run nation not a proud democratic nation that serves to represent and speak for the collective free voice of the people which embody its land mass…..WE MUST RUN OUT WITH OUR CAPTAIN, because in a democracy WE ARE ALL LEADERS.
Now the 1st of these POLICIES (new practices that we want to see for ourselves), has been introduced to the American public, a policy that’s important for 2 reasons: 1) it shows we were right about President Barack Obama, he will present policies that feed directly to the philosophies we hold dear and 2) it serves as our first fight. Fight against who you ask, the powers that be, that maintain the status quo as the moving direction of our country because at the top they benefit from that….its predictable for them, it’s worked so well in ensuring their wealth and future generations comfort….why fuck with it when it’s not broken for them. We’re fighting against the Conservative that believes we should all act the same think the same do the same practices actions and religions. See they believe if you believe in the maker (GOD) and be “good” everything should work out for you and you wouldn’t need government help…they however do believe government should push their beliefs on everyone so we as a nation can get to the point they want sooner…..see how it works, it’s all a fight of ideas and philosophies. That’s why we fought so hard to put a leader that represents US up there, because once there “they”, whose ever group it is, can push change and a new direction for the nation or “they” can keep it just the same. Now for the first time in recent past and for too long based on some of the years endured under the leadership, we now have a leader that actually represents the majority of thoughts and ideas and philosophies that are carried by WE THE PEOPLE that embody this land mass called The United States of America….we can’t just sit back now when we should just be getting started.
The UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE idea (which is all it is now, an ‘idea’ to build on) deserves more of the attention of the Obamites. This is a policy idea that is finally addressing the greatest basic tenant of Our constitution; that we create policies, laws and legislature “in order to form a more perfect Union… domestic Tranquility,……promote the GENERAL WELFARE….to Ourselves.....”. I’m very sure anyone can see how establishing the possibility of good health for ALL US citizens feeds directly to the reasons we formed a United State in the first place. It’s a GREAT idea that any society seeking to move stronger into the future should embrace and pursue. Here is an idea that will have US take care of each other through health, here’s an idea that would lead US to being healthier through prevention and attention…diseases will be cured sooner for ALL….infections will be detected sooner for ALL and therefore less of US get sick….I’ll put it this way, a society (like a chain) is only as strong as its weakest link, this policy will directly go towards strengthening one of our society’s weaknesses and therefore strengthen our nation as a whole and therefore each and every one of US. The trickle down “good” effect is enormous. One scenario: the demand and need for the health care providers would lead (with proper government guidance-which we have and can produce) to more of our children deciding on those fields, more thinkers amongst US is how we grow, that’s how we someday make driving on air structured highways free of all accidents or how to figure out how to make Mars livable and Space travel a ticket holding tourist adventure. Don’t get lost in the particulars but pay attention to the greater idea…GROWTH. Now there are those Conservatives, I’ll call them, you can call them Republicans (but they’re not all) who don’t support the idea of universal health care, because they make their money by being on top (for instance, all major shareholders in any insurance corporation) or because they believe their money (taxes) shouldn’t be taken and used to help their fellow citizens. Both of these are deep seeded philosophies just as mine are and they require long talks and debates to ever make a sound thinking mind change views; so I won’t attempt to try in this one writing. I will state this, to those who are concerned that their taxes will be used for care of their fellow citizen, the policy promises to be deficit neutral, that means no new taxes will be added to what’s currently extracted, that should provide some comfort (if you detect a smirk with that line, that’s because there is one)…for those who like the status quo because it keeps them paid and at the top----go fuck yourself (I say that with an even bigger smirk).
I’m not going to spend too much more time speaking of the “good” details of the policy nor will I try to dispel every misunderstanding, I will say this though- what’s happening is exactly as it should happen in a more civilized union, save one difference….the minority is doing their job, whether they got behind an idea because they were misguided (intentionally) or if they got at that position because of their own true belief; they’re doing their duty as citizens, they’re being heard…..the only issue with the current scenario as I see it is that WE aren’t showing up, we aren’t speaking and therefore WE aren’t being heard…..the unnaturalness of this stems from the fact that WE ARE THE MAJORITY. There are many many many many more of US, those that choose to progress together as 1, because to do anything else would eventually lead to dissent and anarchy, the destruction of what could have been the GREATEST NATION. We must go to these town halls in full force; We must get up and knock on doors once again. We must hand out flyers at community areas, we must get organized. In other words, WE MUST MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD….If WE muster up again and if WE do the same for the issues and policies to come, WE will win WE will win and WE will show that WE didn’t vote for him because of his color or his charisma or his religion but because through him representing US, WE will change the direction of this nation and once again steer it in a path that puts US back on our trail of realizing a GREAT POTENTIAL.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thanks for the Gratitude

Sitting here in one of my offices, downtown (don’t worry about which city)…its 1:36 EST in the afternoon as I glace at the bottom right laptop time that haunts me on most days but not today. Today the day is actually going calming and like clockwork. That’s unsual, most times that things are going like clockwork for me, requires the opposite of smooth or calm on my part.
There are many parts of me that I understand are incomprehendible to most people, at least most of the people I have been BLESSED to know in this well travelled lifetime…despite this contradiction from the norm of thoughts and maybe even because of the unorthodoxness of the forms these thoughts take, I find that many want to know what I think and how. Of course some are simply paid to and must exhibit that curiousity.
I took a call a second ago…those of you who KNOW me understand even taking a call speaks volumes, I only slightly digress by mentioning this….Im very fond of saying these few words, when I have done for someone and they in turn smile /cry out/calmly speak or yell the words “Thank you”, my response “DON’T MENTION IT”. I know this is a common cliche. The difference when I speak it is I really mean it….and those selected few folks (much less than the possibility or the numbers that have desired to be touched by me) who have gotten close enough to me, for me to directly get involved in their lives or life’s drama, understand that this is beyond words for me….I really don’t want the “thanks yous” mentioned beyond the moment that a giving has been done. Every time I’m in the mist of the recipient or at times the family of the recipient, I don’t want to be reminded of the actions I carried out in the favor of another. Be GRATEFUL but keep it moving.
Does the act of doing good for another, in and of itself provide me with some level of bliss that quenches any amount that the words “thank you” could ever provide----HELL NO!!! That’s not it at all…There are some people out there, who because I care enough for them, by simply doing for them, knowing that in some way I made their tomorrow more comfortable, more secure, much more tolerable, brings an unexpected smile, a joy, to my heart….most of these folks kinda look like me, and some im glad don’t, but all of them I place under my umbrella of Family…The smiling heart is not the reason I care less for their “thank yous” either. The reason is one that applies to them the same way it applies to the newcomer in my life…..
One word-----GRATITUDE. This is why I care less about your thank yous. True gratitude can’t be spoken, only shown. So save your words but show me your gratitude….Gratitude pays dividends and passes the test of time…It looks a certain way, it talks a certain way, it smells a certain way, it ACTS a certain way. How does is it walk, talk and act – GRATEFULLY. Beyond the hour or day that the act of giving has been bestowed on the needy recipient, there should be visible evidence of gratitude that one person has been aided by another...So when I do for YOU, don’t say “thank you”, ACT THANKFUL